Here to Help
If you need help finding a provider or have a question about UMP Plus — Puget Sound High Value Network, call:
- PEBB Members — 1-855-776-9503 (TRS 711)
- SEBB Members — 1-877-345-8760 (TRS 711)
This dedicated contact center provides members with a number of services, including:
- Support and coordination around the scheduling of appointments
- 24/7 nurse triage
- Assistance finding primary care and specialty providers in network
- Information on hospitals, trauma centers, emergency departments, urgent care clinics and all other facilities in network
- Access to ancillary or complementary services such as naturopathy, massage, physical thereapy, chiropracty, etc.
- UMP Plus — Puget Sound High Value Network plan overview and benefits
For all questions about health benefits (what is covered by the plans), claims and medical services requiring preauthorization, call UMP Customer Service (Regence) at:
- PEBB Members — 1-888-849-3681 (TRS: 711)
- SEBB Members — 1-800-628-3481 (TRS: 711)
Washington State Rx Services:
- Customer Service: 1-888-361-1611 (TRS:711)